Its has certainly be en awhile since we've posted a new thread. We have been extremely busy with the new studio and booking several shoots. Just a few short weeks ago, we were able to do a shoot down in New Orleans, LA. WOW, is all we can say. Thanks to Rick Rhoda and his talented artists, we had the chance to not only do shoots in New Orleans but actually see and meet the admirable Dr. Bobby Jones!! Rick's crew had two solo artists and one group perform at a live recording for Dr. Jones' Saturday show. The atmosphere was so
anointed! All the artist did well and the 12 hour drive really wasn't that bad!! We had the chance to tour the town and even got to eat some spectacular food (Thanks Food Network- Dumps, Diners, & Dives). The food at The Joint was better than advertised on
TV!! Other than the weird nightlife, N.O. was spectacular!!